VSM Paper Released

Voting Services Modernization White Paper released

At our annual meeting back in June, we presented a “preview” of a white paper that I was working on documenting some initial thoughts and ideas for voting modernization in advance of our next election, scheduled for October 28, 2024. Earlier today, I publicly released that paper, Modernizing Saskatchewan’s Provincial Voting Experience – Voting Services Modernization for Saskatchewan’s 30th General Election on our website.

As we described back in June, the paper describes three broad areas of change:

  1. Moving from Election Day to Election Period
  2. Modernizing Election Processes and Administration
  3. Broadening Access to Voting

I have attached a final version of the paper to this communique. It can also be found on our website at https://www.elections.sk.ca/reports-data/reports-publications/. If you have comments or questions, I would be pleased to hear from you and to discuss our plans for modernization in greater detail.

Statement of Votes available

While we provided you with an embargoed electronic file containing poll by poll results from our October 2020 election several months back, it was only recently that these results were compiled alongside other data and information and made more broadly available. The Statement of Votes, Volume I in A Report on the Twenty-Ninth General Election has been tabled with the Legislative Assembly and posted to our website at https://www.elections.sk.ca/reports-data/reports-publications/.

You will be receiving a hard copy of this report from my office soon. And again, if you have comments or questions on this report, I would be happy to hear from you. We are currently working to finalize portions of my Volume II publication looking back at the last election, Administrative Review. I expect that Volume II will be tabled and widely available by mid-September.

Candidate Election Returns – Update

Finally, just a short update that we have very nearly completed our review of candidate election financial returns (with the exception of two that we have yet to receive). These returns will be posted to our website with a status of “As Reviewed” by the end of next week. 


Dr. Michael Boda
Chief Electoral Officer
Province of Saskatchewan

Voting Week is October 22 to 28. No voting on October 27.Learn more.