Candidate Election Expense Return Deadline
Happy New Year and Assessment Activities
As this is the first time, I have been in touch with you in 2025, I wanted to say, “Happy New Year!” I hope that you had an enjoyable holiday season. The year after a general election is always much different than the year of the general election, but I am looking forward to continuing to work with you.
I also wanted to thank you for taking part in our post-election assessment activities. You may have already sat down for an interview with Dr. Jim Farney, or you may still have one scheduled but all your feedback, both positive and negative, helps Elections Saskatchewan improve the service it offers to you. I’m looking forward to sharing the results of our assessment activities over the course of this year.
Candidate Election Expense Return Deadline
I expect that this will be the last time that I am in contact with you before the Tuesday, January 28 at 5 p.m. deadline for candidates to file their election expense return.
While some candidates have submitted their returns, there are still a significant number who have not. I’d encourage you, as Chief Official Agent of your party, to reach out to your candidates and ensure that they are aware of the January 28 deadline and are working toward meeting it. As Canadians, we have the right to run as a candidate in elections, but we also have responsibilities that we must fulfill, and completing the expense return process is one of them.
Finally, another reminder about two more political finance deadlines in the coming months:
Final Voters List
During this past election, our workers in the field (in those constituencies which did not use electronic poll books) collected new voter registrations and information changes on hard copy paper forms. After the election, our head office team collects these forms and data enters them. Once this data entry is completed, we will have what is called the “Final Voters List,” and as registered political parties, you are entitled to a copy of this list.
At present, our team continues to work on data entry, but we anticipate completing this work and being able to share the list by early March, earlier if possible. I will be in touch with you, via CEO Communique, when the Final List is ready with instructions on how you can access it. Members of the Legislative Assembly are also able to receive a final voters list for their constituency and I am in the process of contacting them with instructions on how to receive this information.
Dr. Michael Boda
Chief Electoral Officer
Province of Saskatchewan