Maps & New Voters Lists

Polling Divisions, Maps and Updated Voters List

The process of creating new polling divisions for the province’s updated constituency boundaries has been completed. This means that a complete set of constituency maps with polling divisions and an updated voters list are now available.

PDF versions of maps as well as Shape files can be found on our website at

A few weeks ago, I offered to provide each party with a complete set of printed constituency maps. If you would like to receive these, please email [email protected] before end of day next Friday, March 22 and we will have these printed for you.

Finally, the completion of new polling divisions means that a voters list based on these divisions and constituencies has been created. It has been placed into the secure sharing site for each registered political party that has a signed Information Sharing Agreement (ISA) with my office. If you have questions about how to access this data, please contact Son Lu, A/Director of IT, at [email protected] and he will be able to help.

Potential Candidates

As I mentioned in my last Communique, registered political parties have the option to list the names of potential candidates on our website. Our register of potential candidates is now active and can be found at

Remember that no candidate is considered officially nominated until the writs of elections are issued and they compete the nomination process with their returning officer.

If your registered political party would like the names of potential candidates posted on our website you must complete and submit Form E-516 – Notice of Selection of Potential Candidate by Registered Political Party (attached). This form can be submitted individually for each candidate or can be submitted as a composite using Form E-516C (also attached). Both of these forms are also available on our website under Forms and Guides within the Candidates & Parties section.

If any of your potential candidates require confirmation of their status as such to open a bank account, please send an email with the candidate’s name, along with their E-401 Appointment/Consent of Financial Agent of a Candidate (attached) to Aaron Thompson at [email protected]. Please direct any questions on this process to Aaron.

Fiscal Period Returns – April 30, 2024 Deadline

The deadline for each registered political party to file its audited fiscal period return is Tuesday, April 30, 2024. A reminder that unliked election expense returns, fiscal period returns do not have auditor access within ELMS. Returns will need to be provided to your auditor in hard copy or as an electronic file outside of ELMS.


Dr. Michael Boda
Chief Electoral Officer
Province of Saskatchewan

Voting Week is October 22 to 28. No voting on October 27.Learn more.