Please see below for an item of interest as well as a request to forward an attached letter to your candidates from the April 4, 2016 general election.

Statement of Votes Released

I am pleased to report that earlier today we submitted the first of four parts of A Report on the Twenty-Eighth General Election for tabling in the Legislative Assembly. Volume I, Statement of Votes provides an overview of the voting process as well as information on registered political parties, candidates and elected members. It also includes constituency results at the polling division level. I sent a hard copy to you at your mailing address earlier this afternoon.

Throughout my time as Chief Electoral Officer, I have stressed the importance of being a candidate for election in the democratic process. In this light, I very much want everyone who put their name forward to see the final results as they are presented publicly. I would be grateful if each Chief Official Agent would forward the attached letter to all of the candidates your party ran in the past election. I want to thank you for considering my request carefully.

As the attached letter states, we have posted a PDF version of this report on our website. You can find it at At the link, you will also see a comma-separated values (CSV) file that is available for download – this file has not been changed since you received it in November 2016.

Forthcoming Reports

Within the next few months, I will be releasing three more reports on the conduct of the April 4, 2016 general election. These reports are as follows:

  • Volume II – An Administrative Review
  • Volume III – Statement of Expenses
  • Volume IV – Chief Electoral Officer’s Recommendations for Legislative Reform

Thank you again for providing the attached letter to your candidates. Should you or your party require additional copies of the Statement of Votes, please let me know and we would be happy to provide them to you.


Dr. Michael Boda

Chief Electoral Officer

Province of Saskatchewan

Voting Week is October 22 to 28. No voting on October 27.Learn more.