Update on the counting of advance votes.

Counting of Advance Votes

Advance poll votes are counted after all polls close on election day by the deputy returning officer (DRO) and poll clerk team who administered voting for that poll. In most cases, this works as planned, but occasionally something happens and one of the two election officials is unable to be present on election night.

I would like all of you to be aware – and please share this with the appropriate candidates and representatives – of a change to this process in the constituency of Swift Current. The DRO for Advance Poll #2 is unable to be present for the counting of votes. The poll clerk has completed the required oath to perform the duties of the DRO and a new election official will serve as poll clerk. This person has taken the required oath as well. A letter with this information will be available for your candidates and candidate representatives at the advance voting location.

Dr. Michael Boda
Chief Electoral Officer
Province of Saskatchewan


Voting Week is October 22 to 28. No voting on October 27.Learn more.