August 31, 2017

A few brief items have come up over the past several days. Please review and be in touch with our office if you have any questions or comments.

Absentee Voters List – Protected Voter

When your candidate receives their E-133A (List of Absentee Voters to whom an Absentee Ballot Kit was Forwarded) for the by-election, you will notice one voter recorded as “Protected Voter ABS-001.” This will be the first time you will have come across this and so I wanted to offer some clarification on what this means.

This voter has exercised their option to opt-out of the permanent register and has requested that their personal information not be disclosed.  Under section 18.6(1)(b) of The Election Act, 1996, a voter may request to have their information removed from or not included in the register of voter. Section 18.6(3) authorizes the Chief Electoral Officer to remove information on the register of voters or a voters list to protect the security or privacy of a voter.

Any voter who requests that their information not be added to the register of voters must register in conjunction with voting and is required to show the proper identification. However instead of having their name added to the voters list, they are referred to as “Protected Voters” and their identity will not be disclosed. This same process will be followed at both advance polls and election day polls.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact Jennifer Colin, Deputy CEO, at [email protected].

Final Expense Limits for Saskatoon Fairview

Voter registration for the by-election closed on Monday, August 28. Now that the number of names on the voters list is confirmed, the expense limits for both candidates and registered political parties can also be finalized.

By legislation, the expense limit for registered political parties for a by-election in a southern constituency is the greater of $48,819 or $3.92 * names on voters list. For candidates, the expense limit is the greater of $58,664 or $3.92 * names on voters list.

There are 12,809 names on the voters list, which means that the calculated amount of $50,211will be the adjusted expense limit for registered political parties and the base amount of $58,664 will be the expense limit for candidates for this by-election.

To reiterate, the by-election expense limit for registered political parties is $50,211 and the by-election expense limit for candidates is $58,664.

Voters List Update Available

The voters list that will be used in the election is available for download. The process remains the same – you can use our FTP site to download the file in PDF or CSV format.

Thanks again and all the best as we enter the advance voting period.

Dr. Michael Boda
Chief Electoral Officer
Province of Saskatchewan


For additional information on the Saskatoon Fairview by-election, including a link to all CEO Communiques, visit  



Voting Week is October 22 to 28. No voting on October 27.Learn more.