
Enter your street address, nearest city/town, reserve or land location.
Examples: "123 Main St", "Watrous", "Piapot First Nation" or "NE10-20-18-W2"
Refine or verify your search using the pin on the map.
Please double-check the location of the pin in order to get accurate information.
That address does not appear to be within a valid poll boundary.
That address is not within a valid poll boundary for the upcoming election.
Your address is close to a poll boundary.
Please double-check the location of the pin in order to get accurate information.


Voter address:
{{ VoterAddress }}
Remember: Use your home address when looking up your place to vote.
Constituency: {{ Constituency }}
Voting Area: {{ Division }}

Voting week times and locations

Vote on any of these days at any of these locations.

Bring your Voter Information Card and ID with you to vote.

Voting Week is October 22 to 28. No voting on October 27.Learn more.